%A Lukasz Rudzinski %A Grzegorz Lizurek %J CUPRUM – Czasopismo Naukowo-Techniczne Górnictwa Rud %T Source mechanism of 19.03.2013 Rudna`s mine, Poland, seismic tremor and following rockburst in a view of local and regional seismic networks %X March 19th, 2013 seismic event occurred in Rudna mine, Poland was one of the strongest ever observed on this area. The event was both widely felt and in-mine tunnels were affected with heavy rockburst. Origin location close to Rudna Główna fault, strongly suggests that the event could be a reason of the fault reactivation. Based on seismological dataset recorded on different seismological networks: two locals and one regional with broadband equipments, we try to explain seismic source mechanism. Presented investigations suggest a complex nature of the Rudna's event which started as a smallest tremor with high double – couple component and which was followed by stronger event characterized with implosive part of moment tensor. Simple model of rockburst can be used to explain seismograms observed on regional distances. Such model was actually affirmed with in-mine damages observation. %N 3 %K rockburst, mining seismology, Rudna mine, Poland %P 61-72 %V 76 %D 2015 %L epos1702