Seismes artificiels Man-made earthquakes

Rothé, J.P (1970) Seismes artificiels Man-made earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 9 (2-3). pp. 215-238. DOI:

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During the last few years, examples of man-made earthquakes have become more and more frequent; these earthquakes are related to several works: dams and reservoirs, pumping of waste waters injected into a deep well, aftershocks of an earthquake generated by an underground nuclear explosion. In the case of lake-reservoirs the comparison of the phenomena in these different examples leads to several remarks. 1. (1) The earthquake activity is particularly clear when the reservoir is deeper than 100 m. The height of the water seems to be more important than the total volume of the reservoir. 2. (2) In many cases, contrary to natural seismicity the strongest shocks follow after numerous foreshocks. 3. (3) The magnitude of the strongest shocks can exceed 6 (Kariba, Cremasta, Koyna). 4. (4) Some particular geological conditions are necessary for the release of the shocks: old faults (Lake Mead, Lake of Kariba, Lake of Vogorno, etc.…), diaclases with water-leakage (Oued Fodda, Monteynard dam), heterogeneous strata i.e., basalt with tuffs and breccia (Koyna dam). The change of pressures generated by the water flowing underground must have significance to the question of mechanism of man-made earthquakes. The part of tectonic stresses is probably overestimated in the interpretation of the shocks; the action of the fluid is more important, by lubrication of faults or of slipping-surfaces and by changes of pressures between underground blocks of various permeability. One can hope that the study of man-made earthquakes may help towards the prediction of natural earthquakes, particularly the swarms of earthquakes.

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Item Type: Article
Subjects: Inducing technology > General about inducing technology types
Project: EPOS-IP > MONTEYNARD: water reservoir