Appendix B to Final Project Report Identification of Rock Mass Discontinuities in a Cloud of Seismic Event Hypocenters

Kijko, Andrzej Appendix B to Final Project Report Identification of Rock Mass Discontinuities in a Cloud of Seismic Event Hypocenters. Safety in Mines Research Advisory Committee.

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Given the locations of seismic events within a seismic event cluster, the program RMD relocates these events in order to obtain a simplified spatial pattern of the cluster. This simplified pattern might enhance accurate interpretations of possible geological features causing the seismic activity. A prerequisite of the relocation process is knowledge of the confidence ellipsoids of the event hypocenters. For the case of a uniform distribution of hypocenter uncertainty over the spatial region of interest, an estimate for the average value of the size of the confidence ellipsoid may be specified. If no knowledge exists on the hypocenter confidence ellipsoids, RMD calculates the hypocenter uncertainty for each position in the spatial region of interest, given the co-ordinates of the seismic stations. These calculated uncertainties are displayed as a contour plot for purposes of analysis by the user. As main output, RMD produces sectional and plan views of the relocated seismic events. As final output, RMD contours the normalised density of the relocated seismic events in order to facilitate easy identification of rock mass discontinuities. RMD works on IBM PC compatibles under Windows 95/98/NT and requires the program MATLAB ver.4 or higher. This guide describes the features of version 1.0 of the program released in September 1999. The authors will be grateful for all comments and suggestions of users concerning the performance of the program.

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Item Type: Other
Subjects: Methodology > Method and procesing
Project: IS-EPOS project