Dubinski, Jozef and Stec, Krystyna (1996) Variation of Certain Parameters of Regional Stress Tensor under Condition of Rockburst Hazard. In: Induced Seismic Events. Birkhäuser Basel, pp. 305-317. ISBN 978-3-0348-9204-9
Full text not available from this repository.Abstract
The feasibility of gaining valuable geomechanical information derived from seismological data and its specialist interpretation for utilisation in the area of assessing hazards due to mining tremors and rockbursts has become a development of signal importance in mining seismology. Undoubtedly of particular interest is a certain knowledge of the directions of the principal stresses σ 1, σ 2, σ 3 of the regional stress tensor. For their determination, use is made of a set of parameters from the mining tremors’ regional focal mechanism solutions (angular parameters of nodal planes and axes of principal stresses in the tremor focus— P and T). Results of research conducted at the Szombierki and Wujek mines and analysis of calculated results for parameters of regional stress tensor show that there exist appreciable differences between values of these parameters and also a clear correlation with local extraction conditions that is of significance from the point of view of seismic hazard.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mining seismology, rock body tremors, regional stress tensor, rockburst hazard |
Subjects: | Region > Poland > Upper Silesia Inducing technology > Underground mining Methodology > Method and procesing |
Project: | IS-EPOS project > USCB: Regional seismicity and ground motion associating underground coal mining EPOS-IP > USCB: Regional seismicity and ground motion associating underground coal mining |