Hydraulic Fracturing and Microseismic Monitoring Project

nn, nn (2008) Hydraulic Fracturing and Microseismic Monitoring Project. Technical Report. Headington Oil Company LLC and XTO Energy Inc.

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On behalf of the Bakken Research Consortium, Headington Oil Company LLC and XTO Energy Inc. are providing this final report to the North Dakota Industrial Commission regarding the status of its Hydraulic Fracturing and Microseismic Monitoring project in Williams County, North Dakota. The final group of participants in this project includes: Brigham Exploration, Continental Resources, Encore Operating, Headington Oil Company LLC (and XTO Energy, Inc as a result of its acquisition of Headington’s Williston Basin assets), Hess Corporation, Petro-Hunt LLC, and Whiting Petroleum as Working Interest Participants; and Schlumberger Oilfield Services, MicroSeismic Inc., Terrascience Systems Ltd, and the DOE National Energy Technology Laboratory in conjunction with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as Technical Participants.

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Item Type: Reports (Technical Report)
Subjects: Methodology > Other-additional study
Region > USA > North Dakota > Williams County
Inducing technology > Unconventional hydrocarbon extraction
Project: IS-EPOS project